If you go to the DSN NOW page at http://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/dsn.html you will see ISEE-3 (ICE) lined up ready for ranging at DSS-24 at Goldstone. Our ranging session starts at 1:45 pm PDT…
Month: June 2014
ISEE-3 's Current Position
#ISEE3 now at 0.96 AU from the Sun, 9.48 million km from the Earth. DSN station 24 at Goldstone to track at 19:45 UTC pic.twitter.com/RQpXpahUj6 — Mike Loucks (@Astrogator_Mike) June 18, 2014
Morehead State Is Ready To Talk to ISEE-3 With New Gear
The @ISEE3Reboot amplifier looks nice in the MSU 21m antenna control room. pic.twitter.com/fTAkxDAFih — rfspace (@rfspace) June 18, 2014
Video: The ISEE-3 Song
Tim Reyes (ISEE-3 team member): I sought someone to write a song. Local friends pointed to me and I was given a chance to contribute in this way to bring public awareness…
Crowdsourcing Sunspot Classification
‘Hot or Not?’ Trinity Astrophysicists Ask Public to Rank Sunspots, Trinity College Dublin ‘Sunspots’ and ‘solar storms’ are the feature of an ambitious project being launched internationally by astrophysicists at Trinity College…
DSN is Getting Ready for ISEE-3
We're adding @ISEE3Reboot to our #DSNNow pipeline – should start appearing on Station 25 at 19:45UTC tomorrow on http://t.co/L93kKir5ro — : NASA_Eyes (@nasa_eyes) June 17, 2014
NSF Is Interested in the Maker Community
The “maker movement” shines a spotlight on DIY design and manufacturing, NSF “Engineering is enjoying a moment, thanks to the maker movement, a cultural phenomenon that encourages everyday citizens to design, build…
ISEE-3 Status Report 16 June 2014 (afternoon)
We have now confirmed that both ISEE-3 transponders – A & B – are in coherent ranging mode. We have a very strong confirmation (correct number of commands accepted) that transponder A…
RockOn! Workshop at NASA Wallops
Rocket Week Launches June 21 at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility “Students and educators from across the United States will become “rocket scientists” during two workshops at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia…
Detecting ISEE-3 in Estonia
According to Viljo Allik in Estonia “I did another ISEE-3 receive test today. Results are added to the previous files here: In the demodulated signal spectrum of the the last images…
Another ISEE-3 Signal Detection
ISEE-3 (ICE) Spacecraft Detected, USA-SATCOM.COM “ISEE-3 (ICE) Spacecraft was detected today using a 1.2m dish at 2270.390831 MHz. The signal at this frequency was also simultaneously detected and confirmed by Paul over…